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April 15, 2019

Consultations: LGBTIQ women, non-binary people & alcohol

If you are an LGBTIQ woman or a non-binary person you are invited to express your interest in attending a consultation session about drinking and alcohol in our communities. Whether you drink every day, not at all or only occasionally you are welcome to apply.  No matter what your experience with alcohol we invite you to register your interest by filling out the form below. Once you have filled out the expression of interest form an ACON staff member will be in touch.

All participants will be reimbursed with a $70 voucher. 

What’s involved?  

Consultations will run as small discussion groups of up to 10 people and will last approximately 2 hours. Some consultations will be held in Surry Hills, another in the Inner West and another in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.


Who can come? 

Female identified members of the LGBTIQ community and non-binary people over the age of 18 who live in Sydney are invited to express their interest in attending.

Once you have filled out your application an ACON staff member will be in touch with you. While we welcome all eligible community members to express interest please note that there are a limited number of spaces and we may not be able to accommodate  everyone.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact