Getting Help
and Support

Get the support you need!

Remember you are not alone. You could attend a 12-step program or support group or other support groups such as SMART recovery, spend time with friends and/or family or see a counsellor.

Explore your treatment options

There are many types of treatment programs available and making decisions about which is best for you can be daunting. It might be helpful to talk with a counsellor about your options. Information about free and low-cost treatment can be found in our services directory section.

Some of the treatment options include:

  • Information  and advice phone services (examples include the Alcohol and Drug Information Service and the Stimulant and Opioid treatment lines);
  • detox (both residential and out-patient);
  • residential rehab (examples include We Help Ourselves (WHOs) and Odyssey House);
  • counselling (for example ACON's substance Support service accessible via face-to-face, phone and Skype )  and;
  • support groups (examples include 12 step programs or SMART recovery groups).




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