I’m Ready
Think your alcohol or other drug use might be becoming more problematic?
Take our confidential short self-assessment
Ready to make a change regarding your alcohol or other drug use?
- Check out our useful tips and referral information section for some great tips for reducing or quitting and resources that can help you along the way.
- You can also submit an enquiry to ACON’s substance support service or contact the ACON Sydney office on (02) 9206 2000
- There are also a number of telephone services run by St Vincent’s hospital that may be useful.
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
NSW wide telephone service operating 24/7 that provides information, referral, crisis counselling and support about alcohol and other drugs.
Sydney metropolitan: 02 9361 8000
Regional & rural NSW free call*: 1800 422 599
Stimulant Treatment Line
NSW wide telephone service operating 24/7 that provides information, referral, crisis counselling and support for people who use stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine, ecstasy and cocaine.
Sydney Metropolitan: 02 9361 8088
Regional & rural NSW free call*: 1800 10 11 88
Opioid Treatment Line
NSW wide telephone service operating on weekdays that provides opioid pharmacotherapy information, referrals, advice and a forum for
pharmacotherapy concerns.
Free call*: 1800 642 428
* Please note- free call numbers are not free from mobile phones, except Telstra mobiles