January 11, 2023

Launching the 2nd edition of the LGBTQ+ Inclusive & Affirming Practice Guidelines

Most LGBTQ+ people seeking support for mental health or AOD, will access services that are not LGBTQ+ specialist services. They want and should have access to services that are inclusive.

The LGBTQ+ Inclusive and Affirming Practice Guidelines were developed by ACON, Mental Health Coordinating Council, NADA, and the Central Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network to support AOD and mental health workers in government and non-government organisations to strengthen provision of LGBTQ+ inclusive practice across residential, inpatient and outpatient contexts.

These guidelines offer detailed, pragmatic, and accessible support to AOD and mental health service providers in NSW and outline four principles of LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming practice:

  1. Trauma-informed recovery-oriented and person-led practice
  2. Intersectionality
  3. Community consultation and co-design, co-production, co-implementation, and co-evaluation
  4. Family inclusive practice

Application of these principles are mapped  against diverse components of service delivery including:

  • Staff development
  • Cultural safety and visibility
  • Intake procedures and data collection
  • Identity disclosure
  • The therapeutic relationships
  • Support planning

We invite you to download and read the second edition of  the LGBTQ+ Inclusive and Affirming Practice Guidelines.

We also invite you to attend our free webinar in which we will discuss these important guidelines in more detail. The webinar will feature lived experience perspectives and representation from ACON, NADA, MHCC and  the Central Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network. This webinar is taking place on the 16th of February between 2pm and 3pm.

You can read more about our webinar launch and register to attend here.





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