Information for Promoters

Having the ACON Rovers on site at an event is great way to ensure the safety of your party goers. For over 15 years we have been working with parties and promoters in the spirit of community care to ensure everyone’s safety.


The ACON Rovers are a team of community peers and volunteers who are trained to provide health promotion and harm reduction services at LGBTQ dance parties and events. Rovers are able to identify patrons who are in need of assistance and intervene early to help patrons access onsite medical services.

Rovers are the eyes and ears of medical teams.  We work closely with medical services, security teams, venue staff and our community members to identify and manage overdoses and other health and wellbeing related incidents. By intervening early and offering support to patrons in need, Rovers are able to help prevent serious adverse incidents.

We also provide other harm reduction services. Rovers distribute condoms, ear plugs and sunscreen. We roam through busy dance floors offering patrons water and fans to help them stay hydrated and cool. Party goers know the Rovers as helpful and friendly volunteers, as a result we often find ourselves helping people out with directions, DJ set times and lost property.

While Rovers work with security, we do not police people’s behaviour. We are not onsite to prevent the consumption of alcohol and drugs or manage people’s behaviour. Our only concern is for the safety and wellbeing of party goers.

Rovers do not provide first aid or medical services, we leave the provision of medical services to trained medical professionals and we only work at events where medical services are provided.


The quotes below were collected in a recent community feedback survey.

“The program is a wonderful part of our community. From simple things like providing fans, to the harder parts of their roles Rovers always to seem to have a welcoming, warm smile on their faces. Truly wonderful people.” 

“During Mardi Gras I had two experiences with the needing the Rover's help with friends I was partying with. Without their help things could have gone very differently for my friends.”

“The program is fantastic and, in my view, a key reason why you have less incidents of serious harm at queer dance events.”


All Rovers attend a mandatory 6 hour training course delivered by the Rover program coordinator and an experienced Rover supervisor.

Rovers are trained to:

  • Identify signs and symptoms associated with alcohol and drug overdose
  • Intervene to offer support to patrons
  • Ensure that airways are clear in the event of finding a patron unconscious or unresponsive
  • Communicate effectively with party goers and their friends
  • Work in partnership with event medical, security and venue staff
  • Provide harm reduction information and advice to patrons about alcohol and other drugs

After training Rovers complete shadow shifts which offer new Rovers a chance to practice and hone their skills in a supported environment.


The number of Rovers that we send along to your events depends on the size of your event. For smaller night club events at the very minimum we will ensure that at least two Rovers and one Rover supervisor are onsite at all times. For large outdoor and multi-venue events we send along a larger team of Rovers and multiple Rover supervisors.


Rovers is fee for service program, and costing depends on the event capacity, duration and other factors . We have a minimum call out fee of $400 and this is payable upfront.

After your event, the remainder of your fee will be determined based on our fee model. We can give you a quote once you engage with us.


Your $400 call out fee is either fully, partially or non refundable under the following circumstances:

  • If a booking is cancelled three weeks (21 calendar days) or more before an event is scheduled to take place, our $400 call out fee will be 100% refunded.
  • If a booking is cancelled one week (7 calendar days) or more before an event is scheduled to take place, 50% of our $400 call out fee will be refunded.
  • If a booking is cancelled within 7 days of when your event is scheduled, our $400 call out fee will not be refunded.

If the ACON Rovers need to cancel a booking in advance of an event, our $400 call out fee will be fully refunded.

If the ACON Rovers need to cancel a booking on the day or night of an event because you have not complied with the terms and conditions outlined in our contract agreement, our $400 call out fee will not be refunded.


To make a booking please fill in the Rover Booking Form. If you have not worked with the ACON Rovers at one of your events before we will also ask that you sign a contract that outlines how we can work together.

Once a booking form has been complete, a contract has been signed and the $400 call out fee has been paid, we will confirm your booking.


For parties that are not on a long weekend, New Years eve or during Mardi Gras 3 weeks’ notice is required.

For busier periods such as Mardi Gras, New Year’s Eve and the October long weekend, ACON will require 2 months’ notice.

Notice can be provided by filling out the Rover Booking Form.


If you have more questions about the ACON Rovers program Click here.


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