May 9, 2023


NSW Health released another alert regarding cannabis lollies and edibles in NSW. At least 12 children have been admitted to NSW hospitals since 2021 and there have been sporadic reports of toxicity from ingestion of cannabis brownies and cookies.

The main advice from the drug alert is to keep cannabis lollies and edibles out of the reach of children because they contain high levels of THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana. Edibles are a form of cannabis that can contain very high levels of THC, and may be attractive to children because they often resemble candy, chocolate, or other sweet treats.

Severe THC toxicity can result in hallucinations, paranoia, and difficulty breathing. Toxicity in children can often be more severe than for adults. If a child accidentally ingests a cannabis lolly or edible, immediate medical attention should be sought by calling 000. You can also contact the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 or attend emergency immediately.

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