Reducing the harms

For information on how to reduce some potential harms check out the following resources and information:

Having sex whilst using drugs? David Stewart has been working and researching in the Chemsex field for over 15 years and currently manages the Chemsex support programmes at 56 Dean Street sexual health clinic in London. Check out his ChemSex Care Plan.


Injecting drugs?  The Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) is the national organisation representing people who use/have used illicit drugs. AIVL operates on a peer-based, user-centred philosophy, which means the organisation is run by and for people who use/have used illicit drugs check out AIVL’s harm reduction resources.


The NSW Users and AIDS Association (NUAA) is  governed, staffed and led by people with lived experience of drug use. Check out NUAA’s harm reduction information for injecting.


Injecting drugs? Using sterile equipment every time can help reduce transmission of HIV and other blood borne viruses.  You can pick up free, sterile injecting equipment from your local needle and syringe program (NSP). Find your nearest NSP.


For alcohol and other drug information written by sexually adventurous men for sexually adventurous men check out ACON’s  HowHard website.


Erowid  work with academic, medical, and experiential experts develop and publish new resources, as well as improve and increase access to already existing resources. Their website has a significant database and offers information on range of psychedelics and psychoactive drugs.


Involved in chemsex? You could check the London-based service that provides advice, guidance and support for gay and bisexual men, After Party 


Attending or hosting a party?  Be prepared by accessing ACON’s HowHard or Claude play packs.


Check out the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF)’s safe partying information.


Want to check in with ACON’s substance support service? You can fill out an enquiry form.

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