Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities


The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) aims to prevent alcohol and other drug harms in Australia. Healthy Spirit Healthy Community is an Alcohol and Other Drug resource developed by the ADF for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

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Strong Spirit Strong Mind

From Strong Spirit Strong Mind there are a range of resources available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people inspired by the Inner Spirit (Ngarlu) Model created by Joseph 'Nipper' Roe of the Yawaru and Karajarri people in North Western Australia.

Cracks in the IceĀ 

Cracks in the ice produces a range of resouyrces regarding methamphetamine/ice use in First Nation communities. There are fact pages in Pitjantjatjara, Torres Strait Islander Creole, and Warlpiri about ice and methamphetamine use and support, as well as a webpage portal and brochure in English.

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